Results for 'Mariano Sanz Prieto'

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  1. Las TIC en la vida escolar: los centros modelo de EducaRed.Mariano Sanz Prieto - 2009 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 78:127-130.
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    The entropic tongue: Disorganization of natural language under LSD.Camila Sanz, Carla Pallavicini, Facundo Carrillo, Federico Zamberlan, Mariano Sigman, Natalia Mota, Mauro Copelli, Sidarta Ribeiro, David Nutt, Robin Carhart-Harris & Enzo Tagliazucchi - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 87:103070.
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    El problema en el conocimiento en Mariano Ares y Sanz (1840-1891).Roberto Albares Albares - 2008 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 25:539-555.
    El Krausismo ha sido considerado como uno de los movimientos más significativo e influyente en la historia del pensamiento español contemporáneo. Originado aparentemente en la elección arbitraria de Sanz del Río, en pocos años adquiere un importante desarrollo en los círculos intelectuales, adquiriendo una notable influencia entre el profesorado de Universidad y de Enseñanza Secundaria. Mariano Arés y Sanz fue el principal representante del movimiento en Salamanca en su dimensión más metafísica. Este artículo, tras reconstruir las líneas (...)
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    Rodríguez, Mariano:" La teoría nietzscheana del conocimiento".Tamara Silva-Proll Dozo - 2011 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 44:395-403.
    El Krausismo ha sido considerado como uno de los movimientos más significativo e influyente en la historia del pensamiento español contemporáneo. Originado aparentemente en la elección arbitraria de Sanz del Río, en pocos años adquiere un importante desarrollo en los círculos intelectuales, adquiriendo una notable influencia entre el profesorado de Universidad y de Enseñanza Secundaria. Mariano Arés y Sanz fue el principal representante del movimiento en Salamanca en su dimensión más metafísica. Este artículo, tras reconstruir las líneas (...)
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    Naturaleza y ficción en la imitación artística: consideraciones desde Aristóteles.Hugo Costarelli Brandi & Mariano Fagés - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (4):135-158.
    This article addresses the topic of artistic mímēsis, and attempts to illuminate the contemporary discussion between two seemingly irreconcilable positions. The first, framed in a traditional interpretation of Aristotelian texts, considers the work of art as an imitation of nature, finding in it its only rule. The second, supported by a different interpretation, states that, according to Aristotle himself, artistic creativity is fictional, that is, independent of natural reality, and therefore debtor only of the artist’s subjectivity. However, when considering the (...)
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    On elementary equivalence of real semigroups of preordered rings.F. Miraglia & Hugo Mariano - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
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  7. Rousseau en venezuela.Mariano Picon-Salas - 1943 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 4 (2):195-201.
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    El lenguaje en el ”De ordine” de san Agustín.Mariano Brasa Díez - 1979 - Augustinus 24 (94):115-131.
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    Unstable Particles, Gauge Invariance and the Δ++ Resonance Parameters.Gabriel López Castro & Alejandro Mariano - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (5):719-734.
    The elastic and radiative π + p scattering are studied in the framework of an effective Lagrangian model for the Δ ++ resonance and its interactions. The finite width effects of this spin-3/2 resonance are introduced in the scattering amplitudes through a complex mass scheme to respect electromagnetic gauge invariance. The resonant pole (Δ ++) and background contributions (ρ 0, σ, Δ, and neutron states) are separated according to the principles of the analytic S-matrix theory. The mass and width parameters (...)
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    Riflessioni sul senso della vita.Alessandro Catelani, Mariano Bianca & Simone Zacchini (eds.) - 2010 - Roma: Aracne.
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    Algunas críticas a la concepción epistémica de a democracia deliberativa de Carlos Nino: A Critique.Mariano Garreta Leclercq - 2015 - Análisis Filosófico 35 (1):43-63.
    El presente artículo propone algunas objeciones contra la concepción deliberativa de la democracia desarrollada por Carlos Nino. El blanco central de las objeciones es la tesis del filósofo argentino según la cual el valor del debate democrático derivaría, fundamentalmente, de sus virtudes epistémicas, es decir, de su capacidad para elevar las probabilidades de que el sistema político tome las decisiones correctas. Se cuestiona el modo en que el autor presenta su propuesta como una forma de superar las deficiencias que presentarían (...)
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    The spectrum of subjectal forms: Towards an Integral Semiotics.Sebastián Mariano Giorgi - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (235):27-49.
    What is the relationship between consciousness and semiosis? This article attempts to provide some clues to answer this question. For doing it, we explore the application of the Integral model to semiotics; that is to say, the metatheory that integrates the inside, the outside, the individual, and the collective dimension, on one hand and, on the other hand, the levels of development, states and types of consciousness. Our principal hypothesis is that the semiosis depends on the “subjectal” form where the (...)
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    El objetivo último de la física.Mariano Hermida de la Rica & María Luisa Marquina San Miguel - 1998 - Endoxa 1 (10):115.
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    El espacio humano.Mariano Ibérico - 1969 - Lima,: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.
    El espacio humano.--Los sentidos del alma.--Estudio sobre la metáfora.--La memoria en la conciencia mítica.--La danza de Civa.--Sinopsis sobre el tema del tiempo.
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    La aparición; ensayos sobre el ser y el aparecer.Mariano Ibérico - 1950 - Lima,: Impr. Santa María.
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    Perspectivas sobre el tema del tiempo.Mariano Ibérico - 1958 - Lima: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.
  17. Ignacio Izuzquiza: Caleidoscopios. La filosofía occidental en la segunda mitad del siglo XX.Daniel Mariano Leiro - 2007 - A Parte Rei 50:19.
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  18. La Filosofía como experiencia humana de la Realidad en el Fedón.Daniel Mariano Leiro - 2008 - A Parte Rei 58:1.
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  19. Óscar Cubo, La actualidad hermenéutica del" Saber Absoluto". Una lectura de la Fenomenología del Espíritu de Hegel.Daniel Mariano Leiro - 2011 - Endoxa 27:401-410.
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    La lucha de la conciencia por el reconocimiento de la propia dignidad.Mariano Álvarez Gómez - 2015 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 42 (1):145-163.
    La conciencia tiene tres dimensiones, diferentes y a la vez conexionadas entre sí: 1) su proyección hacia los objetos, en cuyo campo realiza su actividad teórica y práctica; 2) su radicación en lo que la condiciona y sustenta, campo al que pertenece de forma eminente el cerebro y sus funciones específicas y 3) su autoconstitución mediante la vuelta sobre sí, que la posibilita ser ella misma y reafirmarse como un yo, que es fin de sí mismo y ostenta por ello (...)
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    Sobre el alcance especulativo y racional de la religión de Hegel.Mariano Álvarez Gómez - 1978 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 5:135-193.
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    La teoría hilemórfica de Aristóteles y su proyección en el "De anima".Tomás Mariano Calvo Martínez - 1968 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 3:11-26.
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    Hegel in Lacan. The traps of the imaginary and the function of language in the constitution of the subject.Luis Mariano de la Maza - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 43:29-47.
    Resumen Este artículo expone la presencia de Hegel en la teoría psicoanalítica de Lacan: en primer lugar, el uso que este último hace de la dialéctica del amo y el esclavo para iluminar la dimensión imaginaria de la conciencia y el deseo, en segundo lugar, la recepción de la concepción hegeliana del lenguaje en conexión con la función simbólica y la constitución de la subjetividad, y finalmente la postura de ambos respecto de la relación entre saber y verdad. Los tres (...)
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  24. Lengua Y gramatica en el nivel secundario.Mariano Mor'tnigo - 1964 - Humanitas 12 (17):69.
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  25. Studi sull'ordinamento giuridico speciale.Alessandro Mariano Offidani - 1953 - Torino,: G. Giappichelli.
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    Dificultades para el materialismo en filosofía de la mente: El funcionalismo ante la objeción de los" qualia".Mariano L. Rodríguez González - 1999 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 12:112.
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    Freud como filósofo.Mariano Rodíguez González - 2012 - Agora 31 (1).
    Se investiga en este trabajo lo que podríamos entender como el significado propiamente“filosófico” del Psicoanálisis freudiano a partir de la importancia que cobra en el siglo XIXla noción física de fuerza y consiguientemente la idea metafísica de una “cara interna” dela fuerza. La recuperación hermenéutica de la filosofía de Freud, en un segundo momento,se podría entender como una simple reafirmación de su estructura schopenhaueriana fundamental,adaptada a la época del giro lingüístico. Entonces tendría que ser cuestionada lapretensión de haberse logrado con (...)
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    Historia y nihilismo. Apuntes para una confrontación Nietzsche-Ortega / History and Nihilism. Notes for a Nietzsche-Ortega Confrontation.Mariano L. Rodríguez González - 1995 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 8:87.
  29. Life and Mind - New Directions in the Philosophy of Biology and Cognitive Sciences.José Manuel Viejo & Mariano Sanjuán (eds.) - 2023 - Springer.
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  30. Homenaje a Luis B. Prieto F.F. Prieto, B. Luis, Oscar Sambrano Urdaneta, Efraín Subero & Jesús Manuel Subero (eds.) - 1982 - Caracas: Casa de Bello.
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    Cincuenta cartas inéditas entre Sanz del Río y krausistas alemanes, 1844-1869: con introducción y notas.Julián Sanz del Río - 1993 - Madrid: UPCO. Edited by Enrique M. Ureña.
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    Zambrano, M. (2011-2018): Obras Completas. Galaxia Gutenberg, Barcelona. Director: Jesús Moreno Sanz.Jesús Moreno Sanz - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía 46 (1):229-238.
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    Opinions of nurses regarding Euthanasia and Medically Assisted Suicide.Tamara Raquel Velasco Sanz, Ana María Cabrejas Casero, Yolanda Rodríguez González, José Antonio Barbado Albaladejo, Lydia Frances Mower Hanlon & María Isabel Guerra Llamas - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (7-8):1721-1738.
    Background Safeguarding the right to die according to the principles of autonomy and freedom of each person has become more important in the last decade, therefore increasing regulation of Euthanasia and Medically Assisted Suicide (MAS). Aims To learn the opinions that the nurses of the autonomous region of Madrid have regarding Euthanasia and Medically Assisted Suicide. Research design Cross-sectional descriptive study. Participants and research context All registered nurses in Madrid. The study was done by means of a self-completed anonymous questionnaire. (...)
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    Poetics of Relation.Eric Prieto, Edouard Glissant & Betsy Wing - 1990 - Substance 27 (1):144.
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    Moderation as a Moral Competence: Integrating Perspectives for a Better Understanding of Temperance in the Workplace.Pablo Sanz & Joan Fontrodona - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (4):981-994.
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the virtue of temperance as a moral competence in professional performance. The analysis relies on three different streams of literature: virtue ethics, positive psychology and competency-based management. The paper analyzes how temperance is defined in each of these perspectives. The paper proposes an integrative definition of temperance as “moral competence” and summarizes behaviors in business environments in which temperance plays a role.
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    Pamela Joy M. Mariano Light+ Write-Photographs.Pamela Joy M. Mariano - 2008 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 12 (2 & 3).
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    Spanish regulation of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide.Tamara Raquel Velasco Sanz, Pilar Pinto Pastor, Beatriz Moreno-Milán, Lydia Frances Mower Hanlon & Benjamin Herreros - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (1):49-55.
    In March 2021, the Spanish Congress approved the law regulating euthanasia, that regulates both euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide (PAS). In this article, we analyse the Spanish law regulating euthanasia and PAS, comparing it with the rest of the European laws on euthanasia and PAS (Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg). Identified strengths of the Spanish law, with respect to other norms, are that it is a law with many safeguards, which broadly recognises professionals’ right to conscientious objection and the specification that it (...)
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  38. Leopoldo José Prieto López: Natura humana "sive pura, sive integra, sive lapsa". Estudio crítico y traducción de un breve tratado suareciano de teología política: "De opere sex dierum" V, 7.Leopoldo José Prieto López - 2020 - Araucaria 22 (43).
    A la muerte de Suárez algunos de sus escritos permanecían aún inéditos. De ellos se hablaba ya en las primeras cartas que comunicaban su fallecimiento. Así, el P. Núñez Mascarenhas, superior de la casa de Lisboa donde falleció el insigne teólogo, decía al provincial de la Compañía de Jesús en el reino de Aragón: "El P. Suárez se había recogido en el Noviciado para preparar la impresión de varios volúmenes: primero, el De Angelis; segundo, el De opere sex dierum [en (...)
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    Women Workers, Industrialization, Global Supply Chains and Corporate Codes of Conduct.Marina Prieto-Carrón - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (1):5-17.
    The restructured globalized economy has provided women with employment opportunities. Globalisation has also meant a shift towards self-regulation of multinationals as part of the restructuring of the world economy that increases among others things, flexible employment practices, worsening of labour conditions and lower wages for many women workers around the world. In this context, as part of the global trend emphasising Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the 1980s, one important development has been the growth of voluntary Corporate Codes of Conduct (...)
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    Latour on Politics: Political Turn in Epistemology or Ontological Turn in Politics?Noemí Sanz Merino - 2023 - Perspectives on Science 31 (1):119-138.
    According to some authors, Latour’s attention to politics during the last decades is the result of his proposing a different approach to politics that entails, with respect to his overall project, one of two situations. Either his epistemological proposal has suffered a “normative turn”—which necessarily breaks with the previous assumptions of Actor-Network Theory (ANT); or, if ANT’s view on technosciences remains valid, his political proposal becomes not possible as a new normative approach. In this paper, I will focus on the (...)
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    Policy Styles and Epistemic Policies in the Regulation of Health Claims. A Comparison of Europe, the United States, and Japan.Noemí Sanz Merino - 2022 - Social Epistemology 36 (4):449-465.
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  42. Inversion by definitional reflection and the admissibility of logical rules: Inversion by definitional reflection.Wagner De Campos Sanz - 2009 - Review of Symbolic Logic 2 (3):550-569.
    The inversion principle for logical rules expresses a relationship between introduction and elimination rules for logical constants. Hallnäs & Schroeder-Heister proposed the principle of definitional reflection, which embodies basic ideas of inversion in the more general context of clausal definitions. For the context of admissibility statements, this has been further elaborated by Schroeder-Heister. Using the framework of definitional reflection and its admissibility interpretation, we show that, in the sequent calculus of minimal propositional logic, the left introduction rules are admissible when (...)
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    Consciousness and the Whole Mind.Ricardo Sanz - 2014 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 6 (1):55-61.
    Ricardo Sanz, Int. J. Mach. Conscious., 06, 55 (2014). DOI: 10.1142/S1793843014400095.
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    Inversion by definitional reflection and the admissibility of logical rules.Wagner Campos Sanz & Thomas Piecha - 2009 - Review of Symbolic Logic 2 (3):550-569.
    The inversion principle for logical rules expresses a relationship between introduction and elimination rules for logical constants. Hallnäs & Schroeder-Heister proposed the principle of definitional reflection, which embodies basic ideas of inversion in the more general context of clausal definitions. For the context of admissibility statements, this has been further elaborated by Schroeder-Heister . Using the framework of definitional reflection and its admissibility interpretation, we show that, in the sequent calculus of minimal propositional logic, the left introduction rules are admissible (...)
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    Literature, Geography, and the Postmodern Poetics of Place.Eric Prieto - 2012 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Eric Prieto is a professor of French and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He is the author of Listening In: Music, Mind, and the Modernist Narrative, and numerous essays on music-and-literature, literary spatiality, Caribbean literature, and literary theory.
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  46. Contra una tozuda realidad, un trabajo tenaz: entrevista con Mº Soledad Cazorla Prieto, Fiscal de Sala delegada contra la violencia de género.Virginia Fernández Aguinaco & Soledad Cazorla Prieto - 2009 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 59 (960):92-96.
    Por supuesto se expresa como quien conoce muy bien los términos jurídicos pero con la habilidad de no abrumar al interlocutor. Inspira confianza. Es una mujer grande que mira directamente a los ojos y sonríe casi siempre. Escucha con atención y acierta a comunicar desde la propia experiencia no ya de brillante profesional de la judicatura, sino de mujer, madre, compañera� Enseguida hemos pasado del usted al tú�.
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    Mind and Context in Adult Second Language Acquisition: Methods, Theory, and Practice.Cristina Sanz - 2005 - Georgetown University Press.
    This book presents an overview of contemporary information-processing approaches to second language acquisition. This theoretical approach proposes that people learn languages by applying the brain's general information-processing abilities to language input. This contrasts with generative (Chomskian) theory, which sees the brain as having a dedicated language-processing faculty, not a multipurpose one. This volume brings together in one place an integrated picture of ideas about processing approaches today and applications for language instruction. Designed to be a textbook for graduate-level courses in (...)
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    Investigating Puzzling Aspects of the Quantum Theory by Means of Its Hydrodynamic Formulation.A. S. Sanz - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (10):1153-1165.
    Bohmian mechanics, a hydrodynamic formulation of the quantum theory, constitutes a useful tool to understand the role of the phase as the mechanism responsible for the dynamical evolution displayed by quantum systems. This role is analyzed and discussed here in the context of quantum interference, considering to this end two well-known scenarios, namely Young’s two-slit experiment and Wheeler’s delayed choice experiment. A numerical implementation of the first scenario is used to show how interference in a coherent superposition of two counter-propagating (...)
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  49. ETHICA EX MACHINA. Exploring artificial moral agency or the possibility of computable ethics.Rodrigo Sanz - 2020 - Zeitschrift Für Ethik Und Moralphilosophie 3 (2):223-239.
    Since the automation revolution of our technological era, diverse machines or robots have gradually begun to reconfigure our lives. With this expansion, it seems that those machines are now faced with a new challenge: more autonomous decision-making involving life or death consequences. This paper explores the philosophical possibility of artificial moral agency through the following question: could a machine obtain the cognitive capacities needed to be a moral agent? In this regard, I propose to expose, under a normative-cognitive perspective, the (...)
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  50. Principles for consciousness in integrated cognitive control.Ricardo Sanz, Ignacio Lopez, Manuel Rodriguez & Carlos Hernandez - 2007 - Neural Networks 20 (9):938-946.
    In this article we will argue that given certain conditions for the evolution of bi- ological controllers, these will necessarily evolve in the direction of incorporating consciousness capabilities. We will also see what are the necessary mechanics for the provision of these capabilities and extrapolate this vision to the world of artifi- cial systems postulating seven design principles for conscious systems. This article was published in the journal Neural Networks special issue on brain and conscious- ness.
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